

今回はグリネルのエクスターンシッププログラム(Externship Program)について話します。




私は、オレゴン州のポートランドに本部があるマーシーコア(Mercy Corps)という人道支援を行うNPOのマーケティングプロジェクトマネージャー(marketing project manager)の仕事を見学させてもらっています。





Okay, so I’m not entirely satisfied with my Japanese writing skills so I’m going to add a more casual English version too.

Hello readers. It’s okamo!

So I wanted to talk about the externship program that Grinnell offers during spring break since I think it’s something that people might be interested in.

The program allows students, mainly first and second years, to job shadow a Grinnell alumnus for a few days to test the waters in a particular career field.

If an internship is a relationship, an externship is a hook up: short and without commitment.

You can see if you like the career your extern host has, whether it be a CEO, an attorney, a journalist, or a university professor.

Personally, I’m job shadowing a marketing project manager at Mercy Corps (pronounced “Mercy Core”), a humanitarian NPO based in Portland, Oregon.

I started my externship today so I will probably write a blog post about it after I’ve completed it so I can give a holistic review. But even so, I’ve learned so much just from a single day and I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity.

See you in two weeks!